Soliloquy in an International Cloister

Watch your step as Brother Lawrence takes you inside the monastery walls of a five hundred year-old international order. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll wish you had ignored your hormones and joined the monastery.

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Location: Rome, Italy

31 August 2012

Countdown is reset

As you can see by the countdown clock below, BroLo has been "granted" another six years in the international cloister. He now has 2191 days left in exile.


Anonymous mara said...

How wonderful! It seems as if you have found your place in the world. And too, I am looking forward to all your blog entries in the next 2,191 days. That seems like a lot of time but believe me, time seems to go faster as you get older. Enjoy every moment. Bravo on your anniversary! Many more with God’s blessing.

31 August, 2012 20:38  
Blogger heartinsanfrancisco said...

I hope this is what you wanted. The idea of six more years in Rome does not strike me as the equivalent of the seven layers of hell. Enjoy!

03 September, 2012 01:54  
Anonymous Moobs said...

Are you pleased? I hope so!

03 September, 2012 19:28  
Blogger BroLo said...

Thanks for you encouragement. 27 years ago, I jumped at the chance to live in Rome, and I wasn't disappointed. Now, however, been there, done that. Still, it was nice to receive the brothers' affirmation.

05 September, 2012 14:25  

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