Soliloquy in an International Cloister

Watch your step as Brother Lawrence takes you inside the monastery walls of a five hundred year-old international order. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll wish you had ignored your hormones and joined the monastery.

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Location: Rome, Italy

26 March 2013

Now that's a vocation story!

I am indebted to @RevRichardColes for this story of how St Enda was called to the monastic life.

"An Irish warrior, [Enda] was rebuked by his sister, the Abbess Feancha, for rattling his sword and dripping blood everywhere. She promised him her prettiest nun if he mended his ways, but took him to see not a bride but a corpse. He immediately became a monk and founded the great monastery on the Isles of Aran, where the jumpers come from. St Brendan gave him a nice magic stone."

So much more interesting than, "I felt God was calling me to help people."

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Anonymous Heather said...

The rev does an interesting radio programme on sat mornings - he 's a good egg

27 March, 2013 12:58  
Blogger heartinsanfrancisco said...

"How I Spent My Vocation." It must have been the dead nun that did it, although I'm not sure how.

11 May, 2013 07:32  
Blogger heartinsanfrancisco said...

Brother Lawrence, I would love to know your take on the incident last weekend in which Pope Francis performed what may or may not have been an exorcism on a Mexican penitent. Might you consider writing a post on it? Many thanks and blessings to you.

22 May, 2013 18:27  

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