Soliloquy in an International Cloister

Watch your step as Brother Lawrence takes you inside the monastery walls of a five hundred year-old international order. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll wish you had ignored your hormones and joined the monastery.

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Location: Rome, Italy

21 March 2008

Diplomacy, Indonesian style

When I was in Indonesia last month, I ate something that my body desperately wanted to get rid of several hours later. After trying various medicines I had at hand, I finally went to a very nice hospital in Medan to get the problem diagnosed and fixed. I was immediately ushered to a bed in the emergency room, where a nurse began taking my temperature, blood pressure, etc.

Nurse (after removing the blood pressure cuff): You have high blood pressure.

Me: Really? I've always had good blood pressure readings.

Nurse: No, it is high. For an old man it would be okay, but for you it is high. How old are you?

Me: [insert age]

Nurse: Your blood pressure is okay.


Blogger Open Grove Claudia said...

You are just so gorgeous that she didn't realize you were 21. Did she try to take you home too??

I hope you are feeling better. This job has a lot of intestinal distress in it.

22 March, 2008 19:13  
Blogger BroLo said...

OGC: The fact that she was a he softened the blow a bit.

22 March, 2008 20:09  

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